gallery performance tip [was: apologies for performance problems with this morning]

Apologies for any performance problems with this morning- for some reason my gallery is getting pounded and it is bringing the whole machine to its knees. I really wish the gallery guys would focus on performance for their next release- the current situation is just abysmal :/

[Coincidentally, last night I swapped out the old planet install for venus, which helped performance a huge amount. The server would be completely hosed right now if I hadn’t done that.]

[Later: holy cow. If you’re running gallery, and don’t do much dynamic except show hit counts, run, don’t walk, to site admin> performance> guest users and jam ‘full acceleration’. My load went from 5.0 to 0.1 almost immediately. ]

2 thoughts on “gallery performance tip [was: apologies for performance problems with this morning]”

  1. “for some reason my gallery is getting pounded and it is bringing the whole machine to its knees”

    The reason would be that you linked directly to a Gallery image on your site, which meant that everyone who looked at Planet Gnome and everyone who read your RSS feed or the p.g.o RSS feed was loading the image…

  2. I do that all the time, though, usually with no (well, less) ill effects. It serves static images pretty quickly- it is the dynamic page built around the image that is a killer (hence the optimization mentioned having such a big effect.)

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