Tue, 16 Nov 2004

Good three-day weekend on a number of fronts:

  • Went to Chicago; saw my brother, my dad, Trow, and a massive number of buildings, including several Frank Lloyd Wrights.
  • Didn’t take my laptop. Felt great.
  • Didn’t watch or read any news. Felt great.
  • Duke football won a game. Against a Div. 1 team.
  • Read Jeff Noon’s Nymphomation on the flight home. Great, fun read. Will have to read more of his.
  • Got a few more sections into the thought provoking ‘Cyber Reader’ essay collection I’ve been poking at. Good clean fun.
  • Didn’t get to watch any of it, but espn.com tells me college basketball season has started. Woot.

All in all, just felt great to get out/away and have very, very little hanging over my head on return.

Downsides so far: probable exhaustion tomorrow from late flight + mail reading.